
Den eviga balansen där allt alltid möts i mitten

The illusion of stress

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What my life of studies in psychology and health has taught me, probably more than anything, is the power of stories. Real life experiences.
A scientifical rat study doesn't interested me. I'm not looking for a way to make everything easy, to help people how to live up in the clouds and forget about the responsibilities in everyday life.
What actually helps people is support. Eachother. A community where we come together and share our talents and wisdom with each other. Where we're happy to take responsibility for our selves, happy to ask for help, happy to give what we can. 
When we take responsibility for ourselves we stop victimising ourselves. We start to see that all of our life is what we have created. And our future will be what we create. We see that challenges will come and go, and how we respond to them is what matters.
When we dare to ask for help, we get in contact with our humbleness. The part of us that knows we need other people by our side to thrive. It awakens our understanding of sharing and compassion.
By giving we feel strong. We feel like we have a value. Something to contribute with. Giving gives us power, self confidence and it opens up our heart. 
Every disease in our world today is coming from a state of stress. Stress creates a feeling that we're alone in the world dealing with what we're dealing with. Or that we're fully dependent on something external to fight the stress. It's not until we look in between these extremes, however, that we'll find the solution.
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