
Den eviga balansen där allt alltid möts i mitten

Leaving the Sunshine Coast

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I've spent about one and a half year on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Before I went, I didn't, obviously, have a clue what it would be like. Ah, wow. What if we would know what lies ahead of us. Would we still go through with it? My experiences have been incredible. Some unbelieveable.

The first thing that comes in to my mind is its nature. The flourishing rainforest, the playful rivers with its hidden, soothing waterfalls, the dry, old mountains with all of their aboriginal stories and breath taking views, the beaches, which still, although hundreds and hundreds of locals and tourists walk their bare feet on them every day, provide an authentic, pure and wild feeling. And you still, even though hundreds of people just walked on its sand throughout the day, can find a hidden spot for only you, your friends and a bonfire.
The second thing that come into my mind is the life style of those who call this coast their home. It's a place of extremes, yet once your in it, these extremes seems normal. If you're a local, chances are big that your either very, very into your health. Or you are very destructive. In that sense, the Sunshine Coast surprises me. On the surface, it looks like a paradise. But once you're in it, like with any place on this earth, everything is very different.

The third thing that comes into my mind are the people I came across. At uni, in my share houses and at work. And how interesting your relationships with them become in a life of extremes. How your feelings increases, for good and bad. How you learn to understand sides of yourself and others you'd never imagine you both had.

I've felt the top and the bottom of this place, and with that being said: I need a break.

So after many conversations with friends, parents, uni and myself I've decided to take a break. To get away from the intensity of this place. To get a sense of enough is enough, and also to take the chance to travel and explore more of the world, simply because I'm still in a position in my life where I can do so.

I will go to Bali again. I have also been approved a working holiday in New Zealand for a year from March. I would like to see more of Asia; Japan, China. Definitely Canada. South America. Maybe a visit to Europe. Just to travel and learn. Just me. Observing people and myself in different situations. Get a broader understanding of how things work in different cultures, countries, workplaces...

That's the plan.
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