
Den eviga balansen där allt alltid möts i mitten


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The older I get, the more I seem to find stability within most things in life. But above all, I realise how capable and powerful so many of my loved ones around me are. I mean, life' s a pretty complicated balance act sometimes. To be able to balance work with studies or kids, with private life, a relationship and all fears it includes, and maintain a good friendship group. At the same time be responsible for ones own and ones environment's health without taking neither one self or life to seriously and allow one self to relax and have fun. Too much of one thing creates an imbalance in another and to be able to accept those imperfections and allow it to go up sometimes in one area in life and down in another... is not always easy at all.
But somehow, in some way, we sort of manage. And I think that sometimes we forget to give ourselves credit for that.
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