
Den eviga balansen där allt alltid möts i mitten


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I came here for  a very odd reason. So randomly. Seven years ago a man I knew said: "Tina, you have to go to Wanaka one day. I can really see you loving it there." I trusted his words and, seven years later, without thinking twice and without any other traveling plans, I, in a very lost and confused mindset, booked a flight ticket to New Zealand, bought myself a bus ticket to Wanaka, and had no plans what so ever to go to any other place in this country. Wanaka it was. I was going to get my self a job here, and I was going to live here. Not forever, I had a plane back to Sweden a half year later. But, you know, for the little six months I had.
Those six months turned in to a year. And it seems like this year is turning in to a few more.
One the surface, you could describe Wanaka as a very simple town. In a way it is a very simple town. All those responsibilites such as work, house, finances etc. seems to just work out here. It's nothing over the top, but in my experience, things always seem to work out.
Wanaka as a community is very supportive and connected, and in a way it feels like you're taken care of. People in this community care about the people in this community. And that in it self is a very safe feeling.
The first significant feeling Wanaka gave me was a sense of softening in my heart space. A sense of tingeling and releasing. And as I started to talk about it, I realised I wasn't the only one noticing it. "It's a very healing and grounding town," I was told. It is a very healing and grounding town. I have never been a very grounded person. But suddenly I am, and I'm enjoying it. Also, love is easy. You know, that healing, deep, connected sort of love. The one you'd feel to nature and the earth and humanity as a whole. I find that something really does happens to your heart here. Some sort of tingeling, softening, releasing. 
My lesson is this: always trust a traveling tip from people who's moved your soul.
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