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The right responsibility

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I'd say that the hardest part of seeing truth and reality for what it actually is instead of through romanticised lenses - is to embrace the responsibility.
The real responsibility.
Because the truth is, as humans, we are capable of choosing. We can choose wrong instead of right. We can comfort instead of right. We can choose greed instead of right. We can choose pride instead of right. But we can also chose right. And we know in our hearts what's right.
Every choice we make can either heal or destroy ourselves, each other, the earth and the whole. Every choice we make can benefit us in the long run, or give a short term, destructive release. Food choices, sleep choices, expressions, behaviours, thoughts, reactions... It's a choice. It really is a choice. And the long lasting, responsible choice won't give you quick fixes and you might need to take a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself down before making your decision, but it will give you the most energy. Because right does that - it gives you energy. And it gives you joy. Peace. Tranquility. Luck. And love.
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