An open heart
To be able to dream is a beautiful thing. However, when you start attaching to your dreams you enter a dilusionary world with no foundation in reality and you'll create three of the most dangerous traits in regards to your relationships: Expectations, assumptions and speculations.
As we know, communication is the key. And this is why. However, comnunication is so much more than just talking. It's about observing each other, feeling each other and maybe most challenging; listening to each other.
If you honestly want to have the truth from someone, you'll get it. Because if truth is your main aim, you'll go beyond emotional reactions or subjective judgements. If the person you're listening to is absolutely certain the truth won't come with any drama, conflict or judgement he or she won't be afraid to tell it.
A relationship - whatever kind - founded in absolute truth will have an unbeatable strength. However, truth takes an incredible amount of courage from both speaker and listener.
Both parts need to step away from any sort of speculation, expectation and assumption about the other. By being open to everything you'll embrace the situation for what it really is instead of what you wish it wound be - which is an illusion.
There are many times in life you assume, expect or speculate something that - no matter how certain you are - isn't so. And to live in that sort of dilusion will without doubt bring you disappointment. Call it loss, heartbreak, frustration, irritation, etc. It's all disappointment.
If you let go of your attachments to your dreams, thoughts and emotions - let go of speculations, assumptions and expectations, you'll free yourself from disappointments. Because you can't be disappointed if you haven't positioned yourself for it. This way, you'll live in reality. In the present. Which is the only thing that matters. The only thing you have control over. The only thing you are truly living.
So before assuming, speculating or expecting anything - ask. Ask with the intention to embrace the truth for what it is. Be prepared to calmly accept any answer that's coming your way. Be aware of how different you are from other people, and be okay with that.
Dream as much as you want, in whatever way you want. It's a healthy and beautiful way to live. But never attach to your dreams. Never expect. Never assume. Never speculate. Just ask and listen with an open heart. This way you will truly connect to the one in front of you, and this way you are protected from ever being hurt.